Sixth Generation

1300. Michelle Elaine FABREGAS2 was born on 15 June 1983. She is also known as Michou. She was also awarded the Foreign Language Award in Spanish in 8th Grade. Both she and Melissa goes to the same Concordia College in Minnesota during the summers. Both are also hs juniors at the Vivian Webb School for girls at Claremont, Ca.

She was also awarded the Foreign Language Award in Spanish in 8thGrade. Both she and Melissa goes to the same Concordia College inMinnesota during the summers. Both are also hs juniors at the VivianWebb School for girls at Claremont, Ca.

Michelle Elaine FABREGAS and Jason Daniel CLEVERING were married on 30 July 2011 in Barcelona, Spain. Jason Daniel CLEVERING was born (date unknown).